How Pink Frog Interactive saved one customer $$$ millions of dollars by fixing one link.

Pink Frog Interactive was hired to map out customer touchpoints (on and offline) for larger and smaller customer accounts around the globe as part of an exceptional customer experience project for a 14 billion-dollar company. While interviewing the customers about their touchpoints with our client and their decision-making points, we found that all three user groups around the globe did not believe that they could order as many samples as they needed to prototype the product. The engineers believed they could only get one sample and would often call managers and distributors to try to get more. The managers and distributors, using the same poorly designed interface, also believed they could only order one sample. In addition, finding mating and tooling for the sample part was difficult due to poor search futures, interface content, and nomenclature.

Ordering samples was a key decision making touchpoint for engineers. In fact, it was the most critical. Once engineers ordered samples to spec into their product the chance of changing them at a later time was almost nonexistent. While the engineers preferred our client’s products over the competitors and were even willing to pay more for them, they often believed they were forced to go with a competitor because they could easily get as many samples as they needed quickly and easily.

In contrast, their competitors did samples very well. They knew ordering samples and having easy access to mating and tooling parts for the samples where all key decision making points. The competitors had overnight samples on the front of their website and made mating and tooling parts just as easy to access. Once the part was in the prototype, the sale was made.

Let us help you empathize with your customers, understand your customer’s touchpoints, customer journey and decision-making points.